New Adventure

Posted on Sun 28 October 2018 in Blog • 1 min read

I come to coding pretty late for a career change. Truly, I was getting stagnant in my other job. I wanted to challenge myself but not ready to invest financially in classes so I am trying all the free bootcamps out in cyberspace. The first language I dappled in was Javascript. Not the easiest, and not often link with statistical analysis. If I were to jump into coding as a career, I think my niche would be in data science area. Like analyzing sales or customer satisfaction or the efficacy of some drug. I found Python to be more “forgiving” and more intuitive. Also, I wanted to be on a ladies team, sounds cool to be part of Pyladies.

Here are some of the websites I checked out:

Organizers' note: Nancy has been to several Cleveland PyLadies meetups. Her enthusiasm and willingness to learn is inspiring. She even volunteered to make this change on camera so that we could make a Git demo for others to learn from! Check out her awesome demo on our YouTube channel and follow along if you need guidance or inspiration to make an open-source contribution. Way to go, Nancy! You rock.

Photo credit: Unsplash